About Us

Who We Are

"World is not a wish granting factory", a quote that's as true as it is saddening.

We see world as a perfect place and expect everything to go the way we want it to, most of us wake up every day with expectations of a day that's better than yesterday, we dream of having a house with one more room, a car with sunroof, a candle lit dinner setting with all kinds of cuisines, a bed with a little more cushioning. Dreaming and hoping for a day it'll all come true. 

But we don't see the reality, how privileged we are for having the littlest things, that we can dream but there are people all around us, not privileged enough to 'hope'. People who fight for their everyday survival, for whom waking up is all about trying to live one more day, people who call a roof a home, their slippers are all the vehicle they can afford, dinner is anything that'll put them to sleep and bed is wherever they can lay themselves. 

Life works in mysterious ways, every once in a while, life gives us opportunities to mend the difference in the world, where we can see through our bubbled-up lives and watch the world for what it really is, opportunities where we can come together as one.

This time that opportunity is this pandemic 'COVID19', for the past few months it's been showing us the realities of the world, how the mightiest nations are going powerless, how a micro sized virus can cause such mass destruction, now we cannot turn our eyes away from the reality, people are suffering and people are dying and nobody knows what the next step is.

A man once asked a wise sage, I want to change the world but I don't see myself powerful enough to do so, what should I do. The wise sage told him, there's only one way to change the world - 'one random act of kindness at a time'. 

Change comes gradually, slowly with patience and unwavering efforts. 

We, at the 'WISDOM TREE FOUNDATION', have chosen to help by doing everything possible in our reach, and we strongly believe that our smallest contributions will bring change, we are trying in these difficult times to provide support to people in need. These are desperate times and we must come together to help each other. 
Our foundation started as a fight against COVID19 and we have been trying to reach out to people in need around us.

Until now, we've been successful in returning more than 150 daily wage workers to their homes in Jharkhand, also more than 300 daily wage workers to Kerala, who were all stuck due to nationwide lockdown. 

Our volunteers have been providing food, water and medicines to the peoples who are in need, we have prepared camps for those who are stuck away from their homes and need place to stay until the lockdown is over. 

We are working every day to make masks and sanitisers and are distributing them. 
We are setting up public sanitisation units and much more to defeat this pandemic. 
Amidst all this, all of our volunteers are following social distancing protocols completely. 

We wish these difficult times will soon be over, until then take care of yourself and those around you. 
Stay safe stay home. 


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Globalization Work