Disaster Management

Disaster Management

During this Pandemic disaster our foundation has worked continuously to help people in need as much as we can. Till now we have distributed 15000 Mask, 15000 Sanitizer bottles, 10000 Arsenic album 30 (Homeopathy medicine), Canopies to Police department, Sanitizer tunnels to Hospitals and police department, 500 PPE kit to hospitals, police, Quarantine centres and distributed Raw ration to almost 10000 families. Fed cooked food to 5000 people every day at Bhojpuri Toll Naka for almost 15 days. Apart from that fed 500 - 700 people everyday in the slum areas since 23rd March day 1 of quarantine and still working. Installed drinking water facilities for migrant laborers in the city.

These are few major works which our foundation has done so far and still working on it.


Happy Donators


Success Mission


Volunteer Reached


Globalization Work